Skin Care



اسلام عليكم ورحمت الله وبركاته
Hi beauties,

Hey everyone!
Today i’m talking about skin care for men. Okay, most men might not wear make up or grow their hair past their shoulders but that doesn't mean the majority of the skin care tips don’t apply. Just because you guys are a man, doesn't mean that you don't need anything for your skin. Yes! You need it! As you guys read on my previous blog on  Knowing/Understand Your Skin Types basically, people have 5 skin types. That is : Normal, Dry, Oily, Combination and sensitive skin.

Men please, Read and Follow if you want to have a healthy, handsome looking skin.

Read and Follow, Read and Follow, I might repeat Read and follow because they might think "ah i am a man, I don't need anything for my face"  you are totally WRONG!
Give yourself time for your easy skin care routine.
So let’s jump into it!

1 – Cleanse

Cleansing your skin is a must! Don’t worry guys, cleansing is just a fancy word for "washing your face" Nothing so hard or serious. Like you take a few minutes to shower, also same for cleaning your face. This should be done every morning & every evening before bedtime. Just because you can’t see the dirt and grime on your skin, doesn't mean that it isn't there sticking to your skin. Think about what you are facing to on a daily basis such as:
pollution, car exhaust, cigarette smoke, even room deodorizers. 
All of these little particles can land on to your skin and cause damage, so they must be washed away. However, this doesn't mean that you can reach for that withered old bar soap. Ordinary soaps tend to be loaded with detergents and deodorizers and can be very harsh and dehydrating to the skin. A good facial cleanser is what you need. Men tend to have skin that is a bit oilier then women’s so find a cleanser that targets normal to oily skin for the best results. Remember, if you don’t cleanse your skin on a daily basis; the excess grime and oil could leave you with clogged pores and breakouts.

2 – Exfoliate

If you really want to see and feel a difference in your skin is to Exfoliate. Exfoliation is the process of removing the dead skin cells from the surface to reveal the new skin cells beneath. Your skin exfoliates naturally but, as you get older, the process of exfoliation starts to slow down and we need to help it along. Exfoliation can also help clean out the yucky stuff that can get lodged in your pores. Choose an exfoliate that contains scrubby particles to help smooth the skin and eliminate dullness. The bonus of using an exfoliant is that it will also help soften your hair follicles which can result in a closer, less irritating shave. And the best part is that the product that you only need to use once a week.

3 – Moisturize

Men tend to need moisturizer even more than most women do. This is because most men shave their faces. Every time you scrape that razor across your skin, you aren't only removing facial hair but you are also removing necessary oils from your skin. Then? what happen? You probably leave some alcohol-based aftershave lotion that burns out of your skin. The alcohol then further dehydrates the skin. Am I right? So what do you need to solve this? Yes, Moisturizer! A moisturizer will help to replenish your skin’s moisture content and will help prevent razor burn. Choose a moisturizer that contains SPF to help protect you from ordinary exposure to the sun’s damaging rays. As we all knows, we live in Dessert where's the sun comes directly to us. Unprotected sun exposure can lead to Pre-mature aging, fine lines, wrinkles and worst of all, skin cancer.

4 – Eyes

One of the very first places we start to notice the signs of aging is around the eyes are. And unfortunately, this is the very place that many men tend to neglect. The skin around our eyes lacks in both sweat and oil glands making it highly susceptible to dehydration which can show itself as fine lines & wrinkles. The super soft, very thin layer of skin that surrounds our eyes can develop little expression lines that may grow into unsightly wrinkles quickly. So what should you do?. A hydrating eye cream right away. All you need is a little dab of product under and around each eye. It will help to hydrate, smooth and protect your skin every day. Apply your eye cream every morning and every evening before bedtime and after cleansing. 

5 – Lips

Lips! Yes RED LIPSTICK is a MUST! Just Kidding! hehe
Your lips sometimes tends to Dry same as your face when it comes to winter season. You need to Drink plenty of water. Our bodies hydrate from the inside out. If you aren't drinking enough water, it can show up on your skin. Drink the eight recommended glasses of water each day to keep your skin smooth and apply LipBalm to moisturize your lips. Don't Don't be ashamed to use lipbalm because men and women are humans too and they are alike. There is NO WRONG way you apply lipbalm. If you taking care to the rest of your body, you might also take care of your lips. Apply lightly to your lips or share your wife Lipbalm or buy one!                                                THERE ARE NO SHAME ON IT. 

Gentlemen, it’s really that simple!

Thank you for reading. I hope that was simple to follow! :)
Tell me if it works on you :)
See you on my next Blog.
Bye! :)

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